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Press & Media Center
Britax Press Area
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Media Center Downloads
The images and graphics provided here are available for download and may be reproduced in print or electronically in conjunction with the promotion of Britax products. Videos are here for download and available on YouTube.
Visit the Media Center Downloads Page
Media Inquiries
Questions from members of the media, including blogger inquiries regarding product reviews, should be directed to our media contacts.
Visit the Media Inquiries Page
Blogger & Social Influencer Inquiries
Thank you for your interest in Britax! If you would like to discuss collaboration opportunities, please complete the Britax blogger and social influencer survey so we can learn more about you. Our team will review the information. As you might imagine, we receive far more requests than we can fulfill and we’re unable to respond to each request. If we think we’re a good match for you and your audience, we’ll be in touch soon.
Britax products are consistently rated amongst the best by both top North American testing organizations and consumer organizations.
Britax participates in a variety of events through the year. Our events include webinars, safety seat checks and more. Visit our events page to learn more.
Social Media Community Policy:
Because we are all in this journey of parenthood together, we strive as a community to treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is requested. We reserve the right to hide posts that contain hate speech, bullying, unauthorized promotions, spam, or irrelevant links. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our page, please don't hesitate to direct message us. Thank you.