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Car Seat Checks

Events & Classes


Car Seat Check Events

Do you need help or have questions about your child’s car seat installation and proper use? Attend a seat check at the Britax Headquarters to be assisted by a nationally certified child passenger safety technician. This service is FREE and all brands are welcome.

Currently, our company is mask optional. If you would like the Technicians to wear a mask, just let them know as we will have them available.

Date: Friday, March 21, 2025
Time: 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Britax Child Safety, Inc.
4140 Pleasant Road
Fort Mill, SC 29708 

Note: In the event of inclement weather, please call 704-409-1695 to confirm we will still be holding the car seat check

Helpful Tips for coming to Car Seat Check Event:

What do I need to bring to a car seat checking station?

For best results, please bring:

  • Your child
  • Your vehicle and vehicle owner's manual
  • Your car seat(s) and all parts, accessories, and instructions
  • A second adult, if available, to assist with watching your child while you learn how to install your car seat

Please note: Bringing your little one allows us to show you how to properly harness your child. However, we can still offer guidance if your child is unable to attend the event.

Do I need to own a Britax seat to come to the Britax Checking Station?

No, we welcome all makes and model car seats.

How long will it take?

Please allow for 30 minutes of instruction time per child safety seat.

Couldn’t find a date that works for you? 

Additional dates and events may be added periodically. Please check back at a later time. 

Car Seat Class for Expectant Parents 

We are excited to partner with our friends Safe Kids Charlotte Mecklenburg and Atrium Health to offer car seat safety classes to soon-to-be parents.

We will spend approximately 1 hour +/- sharing best practices and basics of car seat safety and how the features of your car seat work in a classroom setting. As well, we will have dolls available for you to practice how to harness your baby in your car seat. During the second half of class you can install your seat in your vehicle and the instructors will walk from vehicle to vehicle to ensure your seat is installed correctly.

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Atrium Health Morehead Medical Plaza, Classroom #1, 1025 Morehead Medical Dr, Charlotte, NC 28204

Questions: 704-355-2229 | [email protected]

For more information about when Sarah Tilton will be hosting car seat webinars and attending consumer, advocacy and trade events, please visit our Webinars & Events page.

Sarah Tilton, Britax Director of Consumer Advocacy & Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor

Sarah Tilton Headshot

As an active CPS Technician (2002-Present) and Instructor (2004-Present), Sarah is deeply embedded in the study and advancement of child passenger safety. She is the Britax Americas safety spokesperson within the advocacy community participating in public outreach programs, practical automobile safety training & research as well as child passenger technician training.