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Clicktight Installation System
Install With Confidence, Every Time: Secure Car Seat Installation with ClickTight

One of the key components of car seat safety is proper installation. And yet, for something so important, installation can often be challenging and confusing. With various installation methods and instructions for each brand and model, it’s no surprise that a significant number of car seats are not properly installed. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), almost half of all car seats have been installed incorrectly.
At Britax, we recognize that car seat installation is a top concern for parents and caregivers – which is why we’ve equipped many of our seats with ClickTight® technology to make installation simple and secure. ClickTight is designed to take care of the hard part of car seat installation so that you can install with confidence, every time.
The ClickTight Advantage
One of the challenges of installing a car seat with the vehicle seat belt is ensuring that the belt is properly tightened and locked. ClickTight is designed to make installation more intuitive by tightening and locking the seat belt for you, helping to ensure a secure installation without the need for additional steps or guesswork. We designed ClickTight with caregivers in mind, making it easy to install your seat in just three simple steps: open, thread and buckle, and click to close.
Seat Belt or LATCH?
The LATCH (lower anchors and tethers for children) system provides an alternative installation method, allowing you to secure the car seat using its built-in connectors and the lower anchors in your vehicle rather than the seat belt. When used correctly, both installation methods (independent of one another) are safe.
When installing a car seat in your vehicle, you have two options: lower anchors or the seat belt. Here are some considerations to help ensure a safe and secure installation:
- Choose the installation method you can do correctly, every time: The best way to install a car seat is to use the method you can do correctly every time. If you're not sure which method is better for you, test out both installation methods to see which one feels easier.
- If you prefer LATCH, you should be aware of these limitations:
- a. Designated Seating Positions in Your Vehicle: Not every seat in your car has built-in lower anchors. These are metal bars designed specifically for securing car seats. Check your vehicle’s manual to find out which designated seating positions have lower anchors before you start installing.
- b. Weight Limits: Lower anchors have a combined weight limit that includes child weight and car seat weight. Check for the maximum weight allowed by your car seat when using its lower connectors. This information may be located on the labels on your seat or in the user manual. If your child is over the weight limit, switch to the seat belt installation method instead.
- Always double check your car seat manual and vehicle guide to ensure proper installation.
Have questions about differences between these two installation methods? Schedule an appointment with a child passenger safety technician to discuss your questions and concerns. If you have questions about installing a Britax car seat, contact Britax customer service.
Discover the Benefits of ClickTight
To learn more about the ClickTight installation system and the Britax car seats that feature this technology, visit our ClickTight landing page. There, you'll find detailed information and "how-to-install" videos that offer step-by-step guidance on achieving a secure installation with ClickTight. With Britax ClickTight, you're not just installing a car seat; you're securing peace of mind for every ride.